

Ontdoos App & Marketing


Responsive Website


Interactive Installation


Video's & Gif's


Web Design & Development


Interactive Kinect Game


Psychedelic experience

Coolblue - Ontdoos

Customer reviews


Coolblue is the an elektronics retailer and online store in the Netherlands. Our collective goal was to give the costumer a new experience when buying a product on the Coolblue website. The main question of our user research was: Why does someone buy a product? Our research concluded that most users tremendously value the opinion from a friend about a product. The user also values the opinion of other users. We created three concepts based on the importance of commuity, of which one we realised; Ontdoos (Unbox). With the Ontdoos app a Coolblue customer can make his own unboxing video after purchasing a product. We also designed a tripod that is a foldable out of the Coolblue delivery box. The customer can share his video with the app and collect votes. If the video ends up in the top three, it can end up as a unbox video on the actual product page of the Coolblue website. The user can end up becoming Coolblue famous. The concept excists of a cross-medial campaign, that is both on- and offline. The Coolblue website is a marketing instrument and a exposure tool of the created video's. There's also a portal on coolblue.nl/ontdoos, where all Ontdoos video's are collected. The audiency without an app, can vote here for there favourite video. Last but not least, there's the main Ontdoos app in which the customer can film with a special guide, edit, upload and vote on other video's.